Asia Pacific Alliance – Sri Lanka

Resilient Futures: Bridging Science and Business Solutions at APMCDRR 2024

Resilient Futures: Bridging Science and Business Solutions at APMCDRR 2024

Oct 15, 2024

The “Resilient Futures: Bridging Science and Business Solutions” session at the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) 2024, held on the 14th October at the Philippine International Convention Center, highlighted how businesses can drive disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM).

The panel of expert speakers included Dr. Mona Chhabra Anand from Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), Mr. Silvestre Barrameda from National Resilience Council and ARISE Philippines Lead for Disaster Risk Management Strategies, Mr. Glen Craig from Vanuatu Business Resilience Council (VBRC), Mr. Firzan Hashim from A-PAD, Ms. Veronica Gabaldon from Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation (PDRF), and Ms. Ma. Victoria Tan from Global Compact Network Philippines (GCNP) and Ayala Corporation. The session was moderated by Ms. Sadhana Mohan, Regional Coordinator for Asia and Pacific, OCHA/UNDP Connecting Business initiative.

Mr. Firzan Hashim, alongside other key speakers, emphasized the importance of innovation and collaboration in the private sector’s role in DRRM through tools like early warning systems and community-based digital solutions.

A central theme of the session was the power of partnerships in driving resilience. A-PAD and CBi serve as catalysts for change, creating a platform that accelerates response times and connects governments, humanitarian organizations, and the private sector to deliver timely and effective solutions. By placing vulnerable communities at the heart of these efforts—not just as beneficiaries but as active contributors—the session underscored that partnerships with a shared vision can revolutionize disaster resilience, showing how much has been achieved and how much more is possible.

As we navigate today’s crises, the urgency of long-term investments in disaster resilience becomes clear. A-PAD and CBi’s role in fostering these connections shows the strength of the private sector as a resource multiplier. Through collaboration, we can achieve more effective strategies for disaster response and recovery, ultimately building stronger, more resilient communities for the future.

CBi Member Networks at APMCDRR 2024
Team A-PAD Sri Lanka at APMCDRR 2024