Asia Pacific Alliance – Sri Lanka

A-PAD Sri Lanka Hosts a Remarkable International Symposium on Advancing Tsunami Readiness and Resilience

A-PAD Sri Lanka Hosts a Remarkable International Symposium on Advancing Tsunami Readiness and Resilience

Aug 30, 2024

The Asia-Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management Sri Lanka (A-PAD SL) successfully held its annual international symposium on the 29th of August 2024 at the Galle Face Hotel in Colombo, under the theme “Turning the Tide: 20 Years of Tsunami Readiness and Resilience.” This event, marking two decades since the devastating 2004 tsunami, brought together nearly 200 participants, including diplomats, representatives from international organizations, the private and public sectors, NGOs, and the UN, to assess the progress made in tsunami preparedness and to forge a path toward a safer future.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Firzan Hashim, the Country Director of A-PAD Sri Lanka, underscored the critical importance of being tsunami-prepared to prevent a repeat of the 2004 catastrophe. The event was graced by the presence of Mr. Kenji Ohashi, Head of Economic Affairs, representing the Chief Guest, the Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Mr. MIZUKOSHI Hideaki. The keynote speech was delivered by Mr. Yamada Tetsuya, Chief Representative of the Sri Lanka Office of JICA, who emphasized the need for continued vigilance and cooperation in disaster preparedness.

The symposium’s highlight was the panel discussion featuring a cohort of international and local experts, including Mr. Makoto Hatakeyama, Ir. Heru Prasetyo, Mr. Sakurazawa Takafumi, Mr. Denver De Zylva, Ms. Sukitha Arangallage, and Mr. Chathura Liyanaarachchige. These experts shared valuable insights on various aspects of tsunami preparedness, reflecting on the tragic events of 2004 and exploring key topics such as the efficacy of existing tsunami early warning systems, the role of coastal defense structures, and the potential contributions of technology and the private sector to disaster preparedness. The discussion also touched on supply chain challenges, the need for a multi-hazard approach, and the impact of international organizations during recovery and reconstruction efforts.

The event concluded with a dynamic Q&A session, where attendees engaged directly with the panelists, offering questions and suggestions to further enhance Sri Lanka’s tsunami resilience. The symposium not only highlighted the importance of public-private partnerships but also drew on valuable lessons from Japan and Indonesia to bolster Sri Lanka’s disaster management strategies.

A-PAD SL once again demonstrated its commitment to fostering collaboration between the private and public sectors, solidifying its role as a key platform for disaster preparedness, mitigation, and risk reduction in Sri Lanka. The 2024 symposium was a transformative event, setting the stage for a safer, more resilient future for generations to come.

Opening Ceremony
Opening Remarks – Mr. Firzan Hashim, Country Director of A-PAD SL 
Mr. Kenji Ohashi, Head of Economic Affairs – Embassy of Japan
Mr. Yamada Tetsuya – Chief Representative of the Sri Lanka Office of JICA
The Panel “Turning the Tide: 20 Years of Tsunami Readiness and Resilience”
Panel Chair: Ms. Sonali Wanigabaduge, Company Secretary – Capital Maharaja Group
Mr. Sakurazawa Takafumi, Representative of Sri Lanka Office, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) 
Ir. . Heru Prasetyo, Former Deputy Minister, Indonesian President’s Delivery Unit (UKP4) | Indonesia
Mr. Makoto Hatakeyama, Vice President, Mori wa Umi no Koibito | Japan
Ms. Sukitha Arangallage, Head of Sustainability, Cargills (Ceylon) PLC 
Mr. Denver De Zylva, Global Head of Sustainability and Facilities, Virtusa Corp/ Joint Country Head, Virtusa Sri Lanka 
Mr. Chathura Liyanaarachchige, Director Preparedness, Disaster Management Centre (DMC)
Discussion session with audience
Networking Session
“Turning The Tide: 20 Years of Tsunami Readiness and Resilience”