Asia Pacific Alliance – Sri Lanka

Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2024 Manila, Philippines

Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2024 Manila, Philippines

Oct 20, 2024

The Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) 2024 was held under the theme “Surge to 2030: Enhancing Ambition in Asia-Pacific to Accelerate Disaster Risk Reduction” from 14th to 18th October 2024 at the Philippine International Convention Center, Manila. This significant event gathered 6,000 participants from governments, intergovernmental and international organizations, civil society, the private sector, academia, and various stakeholder groups, all united in their commitment to advancing disaster risk reduction efforts. A-PAD International marked a significant moment as all its platforms A-PAD Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Philippines, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka proudly participated in this ministerial-level conference, which emphasized the urgent need for enhanced resilience amidst rising disaster and climate risks.

Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony featured distinguished speakers, including President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. of the Philippines, H.E. Kamal Kishore, UN Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and Head of the UNDRR, Hon. Gilberto Teodoro, Secretary of the Department of National Defense, and H.E. Hae Kyong Yu, Australian Ambassador to the Philippines. In his opening remarks, President Marcos highlighted the resilience of the Asia-Pacific region, stating, “The Asia-Pacific region also stands as a testament to the unwavering spirit of its people. From the tsunami in the Indian Ocean to Typhoon Haiyan in the Pacific Ocean, from the earthquakes in Nepal to floods in South Asia, our nations have conquered monumental challenges.”

Session Highlights and Key Insights
Throughout the conference, A-PAD International delegates participated in a variety of activities, including plenary sessions, working sessions, spotlight events, partner events, ignite stage sessions, and learning labs, fostering ongoing knowledge sharing and engagement. Among which, Mr. Firzan Hashim, COO, A-PAD International and Country Director, A-PAD SL, served as a panelist in the session titled “Resilient Futures: Bridging Science and Business Solutions,” co-hosted by the Connecting Business initiative (CBi). The discussions stressed the power of public-private partnership and innovative solutions such as community-based digital solutions to drive resilience in the region.

Additionally, A-PAD delegation navigated a plethora of sessions such as averting loss of life from heatwaves organized by IFRC and American Red Cross where experts called for a multidimensional approach for proactive preparedness, improved data on heatwave mortality and integrating mental health support in DRR efforts.

Another highlight was the panel on enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Finance, featuring representatives from the Asian Development Bank and Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. The session emphasized improving access to international funding and stimulating domestic investment in disaster prevention. Panelists called for tailored financial solutions that address country-specific vulnerabilities, especially in small island nations.

The Regional EW4All MSF session explored cutting-edge digital tools for early warning systems. Industry experts discussed how innovations like satellite technology, geofencing, and AI are transforming disaster preparedness. The integration of these technologies is making early warnings faster and more accessible, contributing to better outcomes in disaster management.

A-PAD International utilized the marketplace booth to showcase its impactful work in the Asia Pacific region, fostering valuable partnerships with fellow attendees. This interactive setting enabled the exchange of knowledge in the humanitarian sector, enhancing A-PAD’s regional presence and offering a valuable opportunity to strengthen its brand identity. Furthermore, the marketplace experience helped promote the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, driving collective progress in disaster preparedness and response.

Closing Ceremony
As climate challenges intensify, APMCDRR 2024 underscored the need for collaboration, innovation, and sustainable investments in disaster resilience across the Asia-Pacific region. At the closing ceremony, the Co-Chairs’ Statement emphasized critical actions needed in the coming three years to achieve universal early warning coverage by 2027, as urged by the UN Secretary-General. It highlighted the inadequacy of current financing for disaster risk reduction and identified significant opportunities for the private sector to integrate DRR into their business models and supply chains. Furthermore, it called for strengthening the legal foundations of DRR to clarify responsibilities, accountabilities, and liabilities and stressed the need for a comprehensive understanding of disaster risk in all its dynamic dimensions, alongside improved accounting for loss and damage.

Esteemed guests at the opening ceremony
Showcasing A-PAD’s regional presence at the APMCDRR Marketplace
Plenary 2: Leaving No One Behind: Gender- Responsive and Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Governance
Mr. Firzam Hashim with Ms. June Kunugi, Regional Director for East Asia and the Pacific, UNICEF, Mr. Asim Raheem, Emergency Response Specialist, UNICEF, Mr. Irwin Gabriel Lopez, Partnerships Specialist for Business and Community Resilience, UNICEF
Team A-PAD SL at the session “Resilient Futures: Bridging Science and Business Solutions”
Representatives of the CBi member network
Mr. Hashim with Major General Udaya Herath (Rtd.), Director General and Ms. Anoja Senevirathne, Director of Mitigation, Research, and Development from the Disaster Management Centre and Dr. Janaka Hemathilaka, CEO/Executive Director of Janathakshan
Mr.Vincent Omuga, Deputy Head of Office, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, UN OCHA and Ms. Manja Vidic, Head of Office, UN OCHA Philippines at the Private Sector Partners’ Reception