Basic First Aid and Disaster Awareness Workshops – Jaffna
The residents of Koppai Vellaruvapillayar Kovil Division, Jaffna recently underwent a basic first aid training which was conducted by A-PAD Sri Lanka. The participants who ranged between school children to adults actively joined in learning household first aid assistance in case of emergencies,
as hospitals are located several miles away. The training program consisted of CPR methods, pulse check-up, immediate assistance for injuries (burns, falls etc.), household accidents, and potential remedies etc. A live demonstration with the participation of those present uplifted the enthusiasm to eagerly request the resource person to further speak on snake bites and related accidents. As there is a frequent occurrence of snake injuries, a specialized session was conducted in identifying the different snakes, the existing varieties of snakes in the area and also immediate home remedies along with the necessary medical assistance.
Following this, yet another awareness workshop was conducted, informing the community of potential disasters prone in the area, mitigation measures, road accidents, household preparedness etc.
In rewarding the school children and households with students, A-PAD Sri Lanka provided exercise books which carry messages on heat prevention, transcribed to local languages – Tamil and Sinhalese. Two similar trainings were conducted at Gandhi Kiraamam Koppai and Ilavaalai Jaffna to youth groups and grass-root communities. A-PAD SL hopes to continue this series of workshops throughout the Jaffna Peninsula creating a more prepared and resilient community.