Enhancing Life-Saving Skills of Undergraduates through CPR Trainings
A CPR training to enhance the practical knowledge of the participants took place post DRR training. The participants were educated on how to perform CPR on adults, children and infants, how to assess the danger of the situation and what further actions need to be taken. Further to this, participants were also educated on the ethics of CPR, how to attend to a choking and drowning victim, as well as being trained on how to use recently developed CPR technology, such as the AED Defibrillator.
A-PAD SL promotes such CPR training courses as part of its advocacy for better preparedness, with the overarching goal of sensitizing and ensuring that all participants involved can provide vital assistance in the event of any disaster, occupational hazard, or community emergency. Participants received an internationally recognized license and certificate upon completion of the training program.
The training included theoretical and practical training sessions, as well as a test to assess the participants who went through the training, under the technical expertise of trainers from Sri Lanka Life Saving.