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Nurturing Resilience and Awareness: The Student Art Exhibition on Sustainable Development and Disaster Risk Reduction

Nurturing Resilience and Awareness: The Student Art Exhibition on Sustainable Development and Disaster Risk Reduction

Sep 19, 2023

In an increasingly interconnected world where sustainable development and disaster risk reduction are paramount concerns, the collaborative efforts of the Department of International Relations, University of Colombo and the Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management yielded a remarkable initiative. The Student Art Exhibition, not only brought together international delegates but also sowed the seeds of innovative solutions and future collaborations.

The event commenced with the gathering of the international delegates, each bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience in the fields of sustainable development, and disaster risk reduction. It was an occasion for participants to introduce themselves and share their insights on the pressing global issues at hand. The University of Colombo played a pivotal role by providing a platform for this intellectual exchange. It’s esteemed faculty and students contributed to the event’s academic rigor and enriched the discussions with diverse perspectives. Central to the event was the captivating Student Art Exhibition. Through a tapestry of colors, shapes, and mediums, the students conveyed their interpretations of sustainable development and disaster risk reduction. Their artwork served as a powerful means of communication, transcending linguistic and cultural boundaries. It illuminated the urgency of these global challenges and underscored the importance of collective action.

During the engaging discussions that followed the art exhibition, several recommendations emerged. One of the most prominent proposals was the creation of an encyclopedia tailored for children. This encyclopedia would serve as an educational tool, offering insights into various types of disasters and equipping young minds with strategies for resilience and preparedness. The concept found unanimous support among the participants, recognizing the need to empower the younger generation with knowledge that can potentially save lives and mitigate the impact of disasters. It was agreed that this initiative aligns seamlessly with the principles of sustainable development, as it aims to create a more resilient and informed society.

Taking the responsibility to spearhead this noble endeavor, the Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management stepped forward with a commitment to initiate the development of the children’s encyclopedia. With its extensive network of experts and organizations in the region, the alliance is well-positioned to ensure the encyclopedia’s accuracy and relevance to the specific needs of children across Asia and the Pacific. The Student Art Exhibition on Sustainable Development and Disaster Risk Reduction, organized by the Department of International Relations at Colombo and the Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management, transcended the boundaries of traditional dialogue. It ignited creative sparks among the youth, sparked meaningful discussions, and set in motion a tangible initiative to educate and empower future generations. In this collaborative effort, international delegates, academia, and students demonstrated that art and academia can work hand in hand to tackle some of the most pressing global challenges. As the encyclopedia project takes shape, it serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path towards a more sustainable and disaster-resilient future. This event showcased the power of partnership and innovation, proving that even in the face of complex global issues, there is room for creative solutions and a commitment to safeguarding our shared future.

A-PAD International at the opening ceremony


Mr. Firzan Hashim, Country Director of A-PAD SL addressing the UOC Students


A-PAD – UOC Collaboration


A-PAD International admiring the creativity of UOC Students


A-PAD International representatives at UOC


Discussion on Nurturing Resilience and Awareness