Asia Pacific Alliance – Sri Lanka

A-PAD and JICA: A Synergistic Vision for Advancing in Resilience.

A-PAD and JICA: A Synergistic Vision for Advancing in Resilience.

Feb 13, 2024

In a pivotal discussion organized by Asia Pacific Disaster Management (A-PAD), sincere appreciation was expressed for the invaluable contributions made by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to Sri Lanka’s development and resilience spanning seven decades. Our sincere appreciation goes to Mr. Yamuda Tetsuya, the Chief Representative of JICA Office Sri Lanka, for facilitating the discussion. We also express our gratitude to Sakurazawa Takafumi, Representative of JICA, and Thiyagarajah Paramediren, Senior Specialist in the Development Cooperation Division, for their active participation in the discourse. JICA’s global collaborative efforts have left a lasting impact worldwide, with transformative effects evident in Sri Lanka across sectors like infrastructure development and capacity building. A notable dimension of JICA’s involvement is its strategic focus on the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) sector, aligning efforts with the broader goal of cultivating resilient communities. JICA’s recent initiatives in Sri Lanka’s DRR sector have played a pivotal role in elevating the nation’s preparedness and response capabilities.

A-PAD eagerly anticipates and embraces future collaborations with the JICA, recognizing the immense potential in combining our organizations’ strengths to advance disaster management initiatives in Sri Lanka. The alignment of goals and shared commitment to building resilient communities form a foundation for a promising collaboration. As we move forward, A-PAD remains optimistic about collectively contributing to the well-being and safety of the people of Sri Lanka through strategic partnerships with JICA. In light of these developments, A-PAD acknowledges the importance of disseminating information regarding the progress achieved through JICA’s projects to the private sector. This proactive sharing of progress is crucial to instilling investor confidence and garnering support for ongoing and future initiatives. A-PAD is committed to actively engaging in communication efforts, ensuring that the accomplishments and positive impact of JICA’s initiatives in the Disaster Risk Reduction sector are effectively conveyed to private sector stakeholders. This collaborative approach not only enhances transparency but also fosters a conducive environment for potential investments, contributing to the overall success and sustainability of disaster management initiatives in Sri Lanka.

Discussion on future collaboration.
Ms. Kishikawa explains A-PAD’s activities.