Answering Humanity Call: Asia Pacific Collaboration for Sustainable Resilience in the Region
A-PAD Indonesia convened an International Symposium 2023 entitled ‘Answering the Humanity Call: Asia-Pacific Collaboration for Sustainable Resilience in the Region, wherein local and international partners joined in person and via virtual technology. Opening remarks were delivered by Ms. Sinta Kaniawati, A-PAD Indonesia, by highlighting the concept of “Sustainable Resilience.”
Eight remarkable panelists from diverse backgrounds participated in the symposium and delivered remarkable insights. Dr. Agus Wibowo, BNPB; H.E. Tri Tharyat, Kementerian Luar Negeri Ri; Mr. Gilbert Alberto, A-PAD Philipines; Ms. Neneng Goenadi, Grab Indonesia; Mr. Charles Ham, HOPE Indonesia; Mr. Firzan Hashim, Country Director, Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management Sri Lanka; Mr. Mizan Bisri, Kobe University; and H.E. Masami Tamura, Ambassador to Japan in Indonesia, also graced the event. The discussion was actively moderated by Ir. Heru Prasetyo, an A-PAD Board Member.
During the welcome speech, Dr. Agus Wibowa appreciated A-PAD and all the stakeholders by emphasizing the benefits of collaboration with the support of government efforts, following the principle of leaving no one behind. In his keynote address, H.E. Masami Tamura emphasized the similarities between Japan and Indonesia, and disasters are one of them.
By presenting the roots of A-PAD International, Mr. Hashim highlighted the significance of A-PAD Indonesia as part of the A-PAD Journey. He then responded to the question of why we need an A-PAD by underlining the fact that it is not simply another organization but rather a platform run by the people for the people of the respective nations. The innovation came next as a step in the A-PAD formulation process after localization. A-PAD serves as a forum for the next generation to contribute creative solutions for catastrophe risk reduction and preparedness.
Mr. Charles Ham depicted the challenge of fostering collaboration as the synchronization of opinions. Mr. Mizan Bisri expressed that in the age of climate action and resilience building, the focus should be on the future generation. Ms. Neneng Goenadi offered insightful explanations on how crucial it is to educate and train individuals to build resilience as a nation at large.
According to Mr. Gilbert Alberto, recognition should be given to stakeholders in terms of collaboration. Finally, Mr. Hashim conveyed the need for a win-win situation with the art of diplomacy and trust for successful collaboration and better partnerships.