Psychosocial Response in Disaster Rescue – A workshop to enhance rescuers and first responders.
The Search and Rescue team of A-PAD Sri Lanka participated in a workshop focusing on “Psychosocial Response in Disaster Rescue” facilitated by Ms Priyanjali De Soyza, Professor in Clinical Psychology attached to the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. The forum addressed psychosocial insight to A-PAD Sri Lanka’s rescue team, specifically as first responders play a key and vital role engaging the shocked victims. The team comprising of extreme-sports companies, private sector stakeholders and individuals participated in learning the key concept and practical scenario sharing. Significant emphasis was laid on the need for first responders to be aware of the psycho social aspects of affected communities and also that of the rescuer and responders themselves. Ground realities faced by various members were a value addition in terms of the do’s and don’ts during rescue missions. A-PAD will continue to promote professionalism to teams and volunteers engaging in humanitarian response.