A-PAD SL International Symposium 2020: Civil Military Dialogue in Search and Rescue
A-PAD Sri Lanka is excited to host the 2020 edition of its international symposium titled Civil Military Dialogue in Search and Rescue, an event which will take place on 6th October 2020 at Cinnamon Lakeside, Colombo.
The symposium will cater to an audience representing the Government, Tri-forces, Police, Humanitarian Sector, Private sector, the United Nations and Civil Society. Significantly, for the first time in A-PAD’s symposium history, fellow A-PAD Member networks and international partners will entirely join the event through virtual platforms, due to travel restrictions in light of the global pandemic situation.
The symposium promises to be one of a kind, with the opening session dedicated towards recognizing the A-PAD Search and Rescue Team on a national basis. Thereafter, A-PAD’s long term commitment towards capacity building and harnessing resources in preparation for emergencies will be highlighted. Key note addresses will be delivered by the Guest of Honour – Ms. Hoshiai Chiharu, Head of Economic & Economic Cooperation Section / First Secretary, Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka and Chief Guest – Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe (Rtd.), Director General, Disaster Management Center, on the roles played by Governments in promoting civil military cooperation in saving lives in the face of disasters.
This session will be followed by a panel discussion of high relevance themed Civil Military Dialogue in Humanitarian Response: Multisectoral Engagement amidst Intersecting Disasters. It will be an interactive session, showcasing the necessity for vigorous engagement among diverse sectors in collectively strategizing ahead of impending emergencies. Key speakers from varied fields will share their stories on the necessity for active collaboration while special attention will be drawn on the importance of ensuring business continuity and community resilience amidst the new normal of intersecting disasters.
The experts on the panel will engage in lively conversation, with emphasis placed on the increased necessity for strong civil military coordination and multisectoral engagement in humanitarian response.