Asia Pacific Alliance – Sri Lanka

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A-PAD International Supports Sri Lanka in COVID-19 Resistance Efforts

A-PAD International Supports Sri Lanka in COVID-19 Resistance Efforts

Jun 18, 2020

A-PAD Sri Lanka in partnership with A-PAD International rendered further assistance to Sri Lanka Government’s efforts in effectively  containing the spread of COVID-19 .

Through this initiative, A-PAD was not only able to promote the use of  innovative COVID-19 preventive  mechanisms but was also  able to support local SMEs manufacturing  creative products which required support and recognition .

As such, with the solid support of A-PAD International, A-PAD SL gifted  hands-free sanitizer dispensers along with liquid sanitizer bottles to the Disaster Management Center (DMC) to be distributed among the State Sector.  

The   equipment were received by the Director General of the  Disaster Management Center (DMC)  – Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe, in the presence of A-PAD SL Country Director Mr. Firzan Hashim and senior officials of the DMC.

A-PAD SL Country Director – Mr. Firzan Hashim hands over the equipment to DG of DMC – Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe
Sanitizer dispensers and bottles handed over to the Disaster Management Center (DMC)
Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe tries the functions of the hands-free sanitizer dispenser