In Preparation for Grade 5 Scholarship & A/L Examinations (2021) 2022
The Grade 5 Scholarship examination and the G.C.E. Advanced Level (A/L) examination although scheduled to be held in 2021, was periodically postponed due to the severity of the COVID-19 outbreak. Therefore, taking into consideration the prevailing conditions, the Department of Examinations rescheduled the examinations for early 2022. Accordingly, The Grade 5 Scholarship examination (2021) will take place on 22nd January 2022 and the A/L examination will take place from 7th February – 5th March 2022.
In view of this, the Disaster Management Center (DMC) in consultation with the Department of Examinations (DoE) took the initiative in formulating “Access to Examinations amidst Disasters”, a document which has been a fixture in the national education system since 2019, and encompasses guidelines and operational plans in conducting examinations amidst intersecting disasters. In furthering this mission, technical support was rendered by A-PAD Sri Lanka, as since 2019.
The Grade 5 Scholarship examination will witness 350, 507 primary students and the G.C.E. A/L examination will witness 345,242 students and private candidates, sitting for the examinations at over 6,000 permanent structures as examination and coordinating centres. For the period of the exams, 38 educational divisions have been established while over 50,000 officials and invigilators will ensure the conduct of examinations.
The wellbeing and safety of the children is of the highest priority and cannot be emphasized enough. Recognizing the significance of emergency preparedness and especially keeping in mind, the present coronavirus situation as well as the coinciding northeast monsoon period (Dec-Feb), the guidelines and directives will coordinate plans and facilitate execution in securing students during the examination season.
“Access to Examinations amidst Disasters”, was handed over to Maj. Gen. Sudantha Ranasinghe, Director General, DMC by Mr. Firzan Hashim, Country Director, A-PAD SL, in the presence of Mr. Sunil Jayaweera, Director, Preparedness and Planning, DMC for effective circulation. Thereafter, the document will be officially submitted to the Commissioner General of Examinations, Department of Examinations.
A-PAD SL takes this opportunity to sincerely thank the People of Japan and the ODA (Official Development Assistance) – Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka, for their generous support in successfully delivering this initiative.
The document can be accessed via https://bit.ly/3tGen25