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New board members of A-PAD elected

New board members of A-PAD elected

Nov 11, 2019

The Executive Committee and Asia-Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management (A-PAD) Founder’s Meeting was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on the 8th of November 2019. Hereby, A-PAD International elected its new Chairman and board members, strategies in expanding A-PAD platforms in the Asia Pacific Region was discussed and high emphasis was placed on the objective achievement of A-PAD Strategic Plan 2022.

The newly elected board members are:

Chairman: Dr. Quamaruzzaman Quazi, Bangladesh

Chief Operating Officer (COO): Mr. Firzan Hashim, Sri Lanka

Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Mr. Kensuke Onishi, Japan

Director Regional Communication: Ms. Louella Escandor, Philippines

Director Human Resources Development: Mr. Faisal Djalal, Indonesia

Director Strategic Planning, Networking and Development: Mr. Masatake Uo, Japan

Director Global partnerships: Ms. Sinta Kaniawati, Indonesia

Director Funding Strategies: Mr. JangWoo Lee, Korea

Head of Management Office Japan: Ms. Kaori Neki, Japan