Asia Pacific Alliance – Sri Lanka

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Sri Lanka Prepares for Northeast Monsoon 2021

Sri Lanka Prepares for Northeast Monsoon 2021

Nov 18, 2021

With Sri Lanka expecting the onset of the Northeast monsoon between 26th-27th November 2021, and given the adverse weather conditions already being experienced in the current inter-monsoon period, the Disaster Management Centre (DMC) convened a meeting with national technical agencies and stakeholders at the DMC Office on 16th November 2021.

In developing appropriate strategies to respond to any likely disasters, the expertise and valuable input of related stakeholders/ technical agencies is required, given the adverse weather expected, and already experienced even in the current inter-monsoon period. Upon invitation, A-PAD was present at the discussion and indicated its capacity to support and complement the Government’s efforts, in the case of an emergency due to adverse weather. A-PAD also highlighted the role of private sector resources and engagement in state led interventions during emergencies.

The meeting was chaired by Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe, Director General, DMC, who was keen to enlist the views of relevant stakeholders, given the fact that 26 deaths had already been reported during the present inter-monsoon period.  As such, representation was observed from the Department of Meteorology, Irrigation Department, National Building Research Organization and National Disaster Relief Services Centre (NDRMC).

The highlights of the meeting and the relevant presentations can be accessed via

The Stakeholder meeting in preparation for Northeast Monsoon 2021 underway
The meeting was chaired by Maj. Gen. Sudantha Ranasinghe, DG, DMC