Asia Pacific Alliance – Sri Lanka

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A-PAD International Delegates Meet with Commander of the Sri Lankan Navy

A-PAD International Delegates Meet with Commander of the Sri Lankan Navy

Apr 9, 2019

Delegates of the A-PAD member countries who were present in Sri Lanka for the A-PAD SL Annual International Symposium had a meeting with the Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy on the 9th of April 2019 to ascertain the solidarity of the partnership between A-PAD Sri Lanka and the Sri Lanka Navy as well as to understand the growing strength of civil military cooperation in Sri Lanka.

The Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva, spoke openly about the strength of the partnership the Navy has with A-PAD Sri Lanka, elaborated on the many training programs carried out by the SL Navy in order to upskill and enhance the skills of its personnel and the manner in which the years of assisting in rescuing people during disasters has ensured that the SL Navy is prepared and currently are in preparation for the upcoming South-West Monsoon.


Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva (Commander, Sri Lanka Navy), Rear Admiral Niraja Attygalle (Director General Operations, Sri Lanka Navy) with the A-PAD International Delegates and the A-PAD SL Team
Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy, Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva speaking to the A-PAD International delegates