Asia Pacific Alliance – Sri Lanka

30°C Colombo | July 23, 2024

Health Sector Disaster Management Lecture Series

Health Sector Disaster Management Lecture Series

May 5, 2021

At the invitation of the Ministry of Health (MoH), A-PAD conducted a virtual lecture on Health Sector Disaster Management for Post Graduate Medical Students of the Post Graduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM), Colombo University. A-PAD’s expertise was harnessed by Dr. Novil Wijesekara, Disaster Preparedness and Response Division (DPRD), MoH, who is also the course coordinator for the particular course. This was an invaluable opportunity for A-PAD to  share experience and knowledge with a well established University in Sri Lanka, the first occurring earlier this year when A-PAD was primarily invited by MoH to initiate the lecture series on the same course.

The course is aimed at providing theoretical and practical insights into disaster management with a strong focus on the health sector. Mr. Firzan Hashim, Country Director A-PAD SL specifically provided insights on the models: Donor and Donation Management and Inter-Sectoral Coordination (with the focus of Public-Private Partnerships) for Disaster Response.

We thank the DPRD Unit of the Ministry of Health for this opportunity and are privileged to have been able to provide a training for medical professionals, especially in times where the health sector is in the forefronts of battling the pandemic in the nation.

The participants for the lectures were medical professionals following post graduate studies at PGIM, Colombo University
Mr. Firzan Hashim, Country Director, A-PAD SL explains the significance of inter-sectoral coordination in disaster management