Asia Pacific Alliance – Sri Lanka

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Naval 4RS Rescue Team Simulation Exercise – Flood & Landslide

Naval 4RS Rescue Team Simulation Exercise – Flood & Landslide

Mar 12, 2018

The Rapid Action Boat Squadron (RABS) of Sri Lanka Navy formulated a training program to train naval
personnel in emergency response within its institution. The final exercise of this course recently underwent at Gangewadiya, Puttalam where stakeholders from DMC, International Military and A-PAD gathered to witness the efforts of the participants. The exercise included a real scenario of an earth slip and flood along with man-made debris sight within the camp area and a nearby river. The inclusivity of surroundingvillagers was a remarkable factor as indirectly they received a practical session on how to respond to rescuers and also be aware of the do’s and don’ts of an emergency situation. The brainchild of this program, Rear Admiral Piyal De Silva and his team geared through this training with the witnessing audience explaining the nitty-gritty of every exercise and the labour behind it. A-PAD Sri Lanka commends the RABS in its initiative towards preparedness and rapid response and will partner in enhancing their capacity locally and internationally.

Simulation of flood being demonstrated and the first responders role in rescue mission.
Boats being used a part of the simulation exercise.
Adjacent community members joining the simulation exercise as a part of awareness for them.