Reviving Education among Students Faced with E-Learning Challenges
Amidst the flood response that Team A-PAD is providing in collaboration with partners, reviving education among children with limited access to online learning cannot be overlooked. Especially, given the limitations associated with the current pandemic situation. Taking this into consideration, Team A-PAD visited
World Tsunami Awareness Day 2021 – 5 November
Tsunamis are the single most deadly of all sudden onset natural hazards facing millions of people living and working in tsunami-exposed communities along coastal regions spanning the globe. The annual observance of World Tsunami Awareness Day on the 5th of November was first
A-PAD SAR Team Undertake Refresher Training at Mount Lavinia Beach
The A-PAD Sri Lanka Search and Rescue (SAR) Team underwent a special refresher training at Mount Lavinia Beach today (19th October 2021). The group explored a variety of drills including Inflatable Boat Rescue (IRB) techniques. The event was coordinated in partnership with the