A-PAD International Annual Report 2020
A-PAD International’s 2020 Annual Report features the achievements and dedication of the numerous member platforms in responding to disasters in a timely manner. The Annual Report covers the accomplishments of each member platform, the various efforts made during the year to enhance disaster
WORLD HUMANITARIAN DAY 2021 #TheHumanRace against Climate Change
APAD- SL will observe the United Nations sponsored World Humanitarian Day 2021 with emphasis on #TheHumanRace against climate change on Thursday 19th of August 2021. The UN General Assembly designated August 19th in 2009 as World Humanitarian Day (WHD) in memory of the
A-PAD Korea Forges Partnership with A-PAD SL in Reviving Education Amidst COVID-19
Sri Lanka, a nation that is currently witnessing the 3rd outbreak of the Corona Virus has yet again entered restrictions in the activities of its people with partial lockdowns and stringent health regulations. A severe implication of this imposition is the stalling of
Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week 2021
The Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW), co-chaired by OCHA and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is a week-long series of sessions and panel discussions that allow humanitarian networks and partnerships to deliberate on crucial humanitarian issues. This event garners
CBi Progress Report 2020
The Connecting Business initiative (CBi) Progress Report provides an overview of the achievements in 2020 and results of the CBi Annual Survey. The initiative supported 17 private sector networks around the world in strategically engaging the private sector in disaster management. These networks reached