Supermarket Purchase Decorum Campaign

Supermarket Purchase Decorum Campaign

Mar 23, 2020

Sri Lank imposed curfew, A.K.A a “lockdown” in a few districts prone vulnerable to the global pandemic. Following this decision by the government, the general public started panic purchasing at all retail supermarkets as well as self-made boutiques island-wide, causing chaos amidst the

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CBi and A-PAD Cross Border Best Practices COVID-19

Mar 23, 2020

A-PAD’s connectivity in the region and globally has allowed networks to share best practices in preventing and responding to COVID-19 pandemic. A-PAD country platforms in the Asia Pacific Region connected immediately in sharing information, response, best practices and cross border logistic support. While

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#StopTheSpread – Community Awareness Campaign to Contain Spread of Corona Virus

#StopTheSpread – Community Awareness Campaign to Contain Spread of Corona Virus

Mar 23, 2020

The spread of COVID’19 in Sri Lanka saw a turning point in Sri Lanka when the number of inland transmitting patients saw a rapid increase within the first week of March 2020, due to the lack of self-awareness / resources available at hand.

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Ensuring safety of students during the December 2019 local examinations

Ensuring safety of students during the December 2019 local examinations

Dec 9, 2019

A crucial event island-wide is the General Certificate of Examinations-Ordinary Level (G.C.E. O/L) which is held in December. Thus, ensuring the safety of students and effective conduct of the examinations despite the occurrence of disasters was seen as imperative. Complying to a request

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Launch of the Election document- Right to Vote Amidst Disasters

Launch of the Election document- Right to Vote Amidst Disasters

Nov 8, 2019

Prior to the Presidential Elections held on the 16th of November 2019, the Disaster Management Center worked jointly with the Election Commission of Sri Lanka and A-PAD Sri Lanka to launch a detailed national document. The said document comprised of guidelines and operational

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