Supermarket Purchase Decorum Campaign
Sri Lank imposed curfew, A.K.A a “lockdown” in a few districts prone vulnerable to the global pandemic. Following this decision by the government, the general public started panic purchasing at all retail supermarkets as well as self-made boutiques island-wide, causing chaos amidst the
CBi and A-PAD Cross Border Best Practices COVID-19
A-PAD’s connectivity in the region and globally has allowed networks to share best practices in preventing and responding to COVID-19 pandemic. A-PAD country platforms in the Asia Pacific Region connected immediately in sharing information, response, best practices and cross border logistic support. While
#StopTheSpread – Community Awareness Campaign to Contain Spread of Corona Virus
The spread of COVID’19 in Sri Lanka saw a turning point in Sri Lanka when the number of inland transmitting patients saw a rapid increase within the first week of March 2020, due to the lack of self-awareness / resources available at hand.
Ensuring safety of students during the December 2019 local examinations
A crucial event island-wide is the General Certificate of Examinations-Ordinary Level (G.C.E. O/L) which is held in December. Thus, ensuring the safety of students and effective conduct of the examinations despite the occurrence of disasters was seen as imperative. Complying to a request