World Tsunami Awareness Day 2021 – 5 November
Tsunamis are the single most deadly of all sudden onset natural hazards facing millions of people living and working in tsunami-exposed communities along coastal regions spanning the globe. The annual observance of World Tsunami Awareness Day on the 5th of November was first
The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction
The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) marks the reflection and evaluation of the progress achieved in reducing disaster risk, the loss of lives, health and livelihoods. In 2021, the theme addresses the sixth of the Sendai Seven targets which is “International
SWM 2021 : Business Guides and Tips
In preparation for the Southwest Monsoon 2021 (SWM 2021) and associated adverse weather conditions, A-PAD SL created business oriented content to ensure safety, better preparedness and resilience within the corporates and business entities. The guides can be accessed via:
Preparation for Examinations amidst the Pandemic
In view of the upcoming Grade 5 Scholarship Examinations and the Advanced Level Examinations, the Disaster Management Center (DMC) in consultation with the Department of Examinations took the initiative in formulating “Access to Examinations amidst Disasters”, a document encompassing guidelines and operational plans
A-PAD Provincial Platform Supports Back to School Safety
A-PAD International strengthened A-PAD Sri Lanka’s ongoing support to the Eastern Province by assisting the education sector which received the license to re-open schools from 6th July 2020. In support of containing the coronavirus outbreak in the east, A-PAD Sri Lanka Eastern Platform